Guest Post: Ananya Mishra is bitten by the adventure bug

November 15, 2017

I’m Ananya. I study in class VIII in Navy Children School, New Delhi. It’s been a long journey from being a baby in a pram to being a fourteen-year-old teenager. Due to cerebral palsy, my movements and activities are generally restricted to an outing to the park in the evening.

Often, I dream of playing basketball on my own with the other girls, jumping high into the air and catching the ball, my hair flying. It is an exhilarating feeling just to think of all that. Yes, I love adventure sports – trekking, swimming, running, going to the mall or camping in the hills with friends – all on my own! That’s quite an adventure for me and I would love to do that someday…One memory that stands out is going to Taj Mahal in Agra with my classmates as a part of a school outing. My mom took me everywhere on my pram. Even inside the premises of Taj! I also did snorkeling assisted by my father recently in Port Blair but full-fledged scuba diving is something I still look forward to. In the midst of my daily life (which is fairly predictable), the paramotoring event came as a pleasant mega surprise! When my father came to know of it, he was excited! So was I! My mom had apprehensions though.

Even I had my doubts. My mind had questions like ‘what if I fall and die?’ Funny as it may sound, I discussed this in detail with Mr. Divyanshu. He made me laugh saying that he would catch me if fell down and I better not puke!! It was very nice – the green grass sprawling over acres of land and the roar of the motor as it was put under trials and tests, excited participants waiting for their turns to fly in the air!

The staff of Adventures Beyond Barriers were extremely encouraging. They spoke to me, smiled and waved, and gave me thumbs up signs, especially Mr. Divyanshu, whose smile, high-fives and encouraging pep talks made me feel much more confident about my ride up in the air! All my nervousness vanished as I got strapped in my motor and amid waves and excited hoots, I did not realize when I took off into the air. Up, up and away.

Away from all the earthly affairs and limitations of society, going close to the clouds, behind the sun like a bird. I never wanted to come back. I felt that nothing was impossible, that I could do whatever I wanted, however impossible it may seem at first. Yes, I would like to do this again. Not only because of the excitement of being up in the air, but also because of the lovely people of Adventures Beyond Barriers who I get to spend time with. I look forward to trekking and camping next!

Ananya Mishra

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