From the CEO's Desk - Conviction to act

June 05, 2019

Since I started working with ABBF, I have had an overwhelming experience from people who have loved our work, appreciated what we do, and have reconfirmed our faith in the cause. For me personally, that is as fulfilling as seeing someone with disability experience a sport for the first time. Then there are a few corporates who resonate with the cause and support us whole heartedly.  

Now you'd think that things are fairly going the way we want to - enough appreciation, corporates who support, what could be missing? 

I was a a running event this morning. There was a lot of chatter around a recently organized Marathon that was organized for raising awareness about preventable blindness. This marathon encourages participants to run blindfolded along with a running ally. At the run today, a lot of folks tried the blindfold run. Reactions ranged from "amazing experience", "wow my speed increased", and "this is tough but fun".

I proceeded to ask some of the running allies if they would partner real life blind folks for marathons where just removing a blindfold to get your sight back is not an option. I was met with awkward silence and hestitating responses.

How do we get that conviction to act to back the exhilarating experience and the appreciation? Why is it not easy to say yes to give a blind person the same experience which a sighted yet blindfolded person just described as amazing?

if you liked this blog, there’s plenty more where that came from

Understand ABBF: PwD, not disabled or differently-abled

Understand ABBF: PwD, not disabled or differently-abled

June 21, 2016
Fundamentally, at ABBF, we believe in the power of small things to create change. Our organisation is built on the power of play and we believe that equally influential is the power of language. Use the right words repeatedly and it will seed the thought of change in the collective mind.
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Guest Post: Ananya Mishra is bitten by the adventure bug

Guest Post: Ananya Mishra is bitten by the adventure bug

November 15, 2017
Often, I dream of playing basketball on my own with the other girls, jumping high into the air and catching the ball, my hair flying. It is an exhilarating feeling just to think of all that. Yes, I love adventure sports.
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